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Qualification type

Postgraduate Diploma

Subject areas

Climatology Global Warming

Course type


Course Summary


Climate change is a multifaceted issue, with relevance across a wide range of economic sectors and policy areas. This postgraduate course offers you the chance to take a truly interdisciplinary approach to your study in climate change, engaging with academic, professional and popular literature.

The course will help you understand climate change and how people, governments and other organisations are impacted by and responding to it. You will critically evaluate scientific scenarios of future climate and associated impacts, assess the effectiveness of different policy approaches, and determine suitable business responses to the climate change challenge. You will also explore the key debates and ideas from a range of viewpoints, considering science, policy, social and economic perspectives.

The course is designed for both practitioners wishing to further develop their understanding of key issues, and those hoping to move into this fast-developing sector.

The compulsory modules give a comprehensive grounding in key topics and an opportunity to reflect on practice at both individual and corporate levels. These are complemented by a wide range of option modules, which allow you to pursue your own interests. In addition, you will receive training in research methods and complete a research project, involving in-depth study of real challenges arising from climate change.

We offer this course as a Master's, Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate Certificate. For the Diploma and Certificate you study fewer modules and do not complete a dissertation.


Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of recent times. According to Birkbecks Dr Becky Briant, The evidence is pretty strong that we are causing the changes were seeing.

Tuition fees

UK fees
Course fees for UK students

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International fees
Course fees for EU and international students

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Entry requirements

A second class honours degree (2:2) or equivalent. Applications are reviewed on their individual merits and your professional qualifications and/or relevant work experience will be taken into consideration positively. We actively support and encourage applications from mature learners.

University information

Birkbeck, University of London is a university which continues to change lives. In 2023 the institution marks its 200th anniversary. Established in 1823, Birkbeck is a world-class research and teaching institution, well known for being London’s premier evening university. Most classes take place in the evening, and this makes Birkbeck stand out from the crowd. Students have the freedom to use their daytimes however they like – a benefit that has...more

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