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Key information

Qualification type

MA - Master of Arts

Subject areas

Theatre & Dramatic Arts

Course type


Course Summary

MA Dramaturgy offers a comprehensive exploration of the practice and theory of drama, theatre and performance composition. You will work practically with a host of leading artists, who will share their diverse approaches to creating performance, from collaborative theatre-making to live art. You will engage in scholarly examination of practices, histories and theories regarding the research and development of drama, theatre and performance works inside and outside the rehearsal room. Further enhancing your practice-based and scholarly skills and knowledge, you will originate a playwriting project, and engage in an industry-led examination of audience development, arts education and producing.

MA Dramaturgy is unique in approaching dramaturgy from multiple standpoints: practical, theoretical and institutional. This course will prepare you to enter the world of theatre-making with specialist theoretical and practical knowledge, and an informed overview of the creative process and its components. If you love to make, facilitate, think and write about theatre, but do not wish to be in the spotlight as a performer yourself, MA Dramaturgy is ideal.


Graduates can pursue career paths in theatre and other performance arts and in publishing. Possible professions include:

theatre director

artistic director

associate director

opera director

theatre producer

literary manager



This module focuses on exploring present-day audiences and how they have contributed to changing and redefining public institutions. Although organisations and audiences are often referred to as autonomous entities, they have a dynamic relationship that contributes to the constant redefinition of the art institution?s physical, social and symbolic boundaries.
Dissertation: Theatre and Performance Research

Tuition fees

UK fees
Course fees for UK students

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International fees
Course fees for EU and international students

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Entry requirements

A second-class honours degree (2:2) or above, and/or relevant practical experience in the creative industries.

University information

Birkbeck, University of London is a university which continues to change lives. In 2023 the institution marks its 200th anniversary. Established in 1823, Birkbeck is a world-class research and teaching institution, well known for being London’s premier evening university. Most classes take place in the evening, and this makes Birkbeck stand out from the crowd. Students have the freedom to use their daytimes however they like – a benefit that has...more