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MProf Agricultural Sciences and Production Systems

MProf Agricultural Sciences and Production Systems

Different course options

Full time | Harper Adams University | 1 year | SEP-25

Study mode

Full time


1 year

Start date


Key information

Qualification type

Professional Masters

Subject areas

Agriculture (General) Agricultural Science

Course type


Course Summary

Gain the skills and knowledge to keep feeding the world. As the population grows so do the challenges we face, and the need for creative solutions from agricultural specialists. The demand for safe, wholesome food produced in an environmentally sensitive manner is a major political issue for national governments and internationally within global commodity markets. Global population is set to rise to 9 billion by 2050*, which will substantially increase the demand for food. As a recognised centre of research excellence that is closely engaged with the industries, professions and organisations involved in the global agri-food chain and the UK rural economy, we can help you develop the skills to play a key role managing global agricultural production systems. For the MProf route, candidates will complete 120 credits from the Postgraduate Diploma programme plus a further 60 credits from any other module which is running and for which they meet the pre-requisites. Options can be discussed with the course team.

Tuition fees

UK fees
Course fees for UK students

To be confirmed

International fees
Course fees for EU and international students

To be confirmed

Entry requirements

Honours degree (at least a 2.2), a Postgraduate Diploma or equivalent.

University information

Harper Adams University has been providing world-leading, specialist education in the fields of agriculture, sustainability, and animal science for 120 years. It is now the UK’s market leader, by share of volume of students, for postgraduate degrees in agricultural and veterinary subjects (HESA, 2018). The university offers master’s programmes developed in conjunction with industry, across a range of topics related to agricultural production,...more