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Full time | Keele University | 3 years | SEP-25

Study mode

Full time


3 years

Start date


Key information

Qualification type

PhD/DPhil - Doctor of Philosophy

Subject areas

Management Studies / Science

Course Summary

Management undertakes critical inquiry into a number of themes within management including: Culture and organisation, Ethnographic Research, Gender, organisations and work, Philosophical and Methodological Inquiry, consumption and regulation and Markets.


Work under the theme of Management, Organisation and Workplace Relations includes analyses of post-industrial and knowledge-driven service work ‘corporate culturism – power and identity management innovations organizational transformation and change and poststructural examinations of ‘emotional or ‘aesthetic labour.

Work on Gender includes: masculinity at work in organizations gender identities in organisations and institutions and gender and consumption. Work on consumption and markets include: analyses of the changing nature of consumption consumption, culture and knowledge production and critical analyses of rationality in accounting regulations, economics, and public sector organizations. Philosophical and methodological inquiry concerns: the ontology and epistemology of social institutions deconstructionist and reflexive methodologies and ethnographic research. UK student visa regulations mean that students classed as overseas for fees purposes may normally only register on a full-time basis, unless they are Distance Learners.

Research interests

Culture and organisation

Ethnographic Research

Gender, organisations and work

Philosophical and Methodological Inquiry consumption

Regulation and Markets

Tuition fees

UK fees
Course fees for UK students

For this course (per year)


International fees
Course fees for EU and international students

For this course (per year)


Entry requirements

You need an Honours degree with a first or 2.1 classifications, or the equivalent if you have been educated outside the UK. Any other academic and/or professional qualifications you may have are also considered, and in some cases form an integral part of the entrance requirement.