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Full time | Strand Campus | 1 year | SEP-25

Study mode

Full time


1 year

Start date


Key information

Qualification type

Mmus/MusM - Master of Music

Subject areas

Music Studies

Course Summary



  • Intensivelytaughtcoursecoveringawiderangeof'specialisedtopics.
  • Providesafoundationforfurtherresearchfocusingoncurrentapproachesandadvancedtechniques.
  • Musicology&Ethnomusicology'studentschoosefromhistorical,'socioculturalandtheoreticalmodulestaughtbydistinguished'staff.
  • Composition'studentsbenefitfromone-to-onelessonsandparticipationincomposition'seminarsandhavetheopportunitytoheartheirworksperformedbyvisitingprofessionalmusicians.
  • OptiontotakemodulesinotherArts&HumanitiesdepartmentsatKings,oratthe'SchoolofOrientalandAfrican'Studies(SOAS).
  • LocatedintheheartofLondonsmusic'scene,withtwomajoroperacompanies(RoyalOperaCoventGardenandEnglishNationalOpera)andtwomajorartscentres(SouthBankCentre-locationoftheRoyalFestivalHallandBarbican)withinwalkingdistance.


Special Study in Composition (60 Credits)
Special Study in Musicology or Ethnomusicology (60 Credits)

Tuition fees

UK fees
Course fees for UK students

For this course (per year)


International fees
Course fees for EU and international students

For this course (per year)


Entry requirements

Standard requirements

A minimum 2:1 undergraduate Bachelors (honours) degree

If you have a lower degree classification, or a degree in an unrelated subject, your application may be considered if you can demonstrate significant relevant work experience, or offer a related graduate qualification (such as a Masters or PGDip).

Programme-Specific Requirements

Bachelor's degree with 2:1 honours in Music or a related discipline is usually required. However applicants with equivalent qualifications or experience will be seriously considered.

University information

King's College London (King’s) is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the UK. With a rich history dating back to 1829, it is located in the heart of London and comprises five campuses including its historic main campus at The Strand. The university offers an extensive range of postgraduate programmes across a variety of disciplines, combining world-class teaching, research excellence, and a commitment to developing...more

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