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Study mode

Full time


3 years

Start date


Key information

Qualification type

PhD/DPhil - Doctor of Philosophy

Subject areas


Course type


Course Summary


Research and education in the School are driven by a concern to encourage innovative and critically incisive ways of thinking about a wide range of problems we encounter as citizens and as human beings.

The subjects we research in the School all contribute to the scholarly investigation of these challenges. The School is proud to be part of the driving force in Northern Ireland’s cultural, political and intellectual renaissance. Registration is on a full-time or part-time basis, under the direction of a supervisory team appointed by the University. You will be expected to submit your thesis at the end of three years of full-time registration for PhD, or two years for MPhil (or part-time equivalent).

We pride ourselves on our global outlook within the School. This is reflected in our wide range of international partners and in the diverse nationalities represented across the staff and student bodies. The School hosts international visitors and speakers throughout each academic year and students benefit from the wide range of national and international topics being discussed and researched within the school.

About the Programme

The aim of the programme is to produce students who are fully-fledged independent researchers, and students are from the outset given encouragement to disseminate their work at seminars and conferences and by publishing in high-quality locations. The programme culminates in the submission of an 80,000-word dissertation.

Learning Outcomes

Course structure

You’ll become part of our vibrant postgraduate research culture, focused on areas including contemporary Irish political history, governance and public policy, security, terrorism and international relations, and philosophy and political theory.

You’ll see our thriving research culture yourself, through visits and talks, conferences and workshops, reading groups and the staff seminar series.

Tuition fees

UK fees
Course fees for UK students

For this course (per year)


International fees
Course fees for EU and international students

For this course (per year)


Entry requirements

The minimum academic requirement for admission to a research degree programme is normally an Upper Second Class Honours degree from a UK or ROI HE provider, or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University. Further information can be obtained by contacting the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics.