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User Experience and Service Design MA

User Experience and Service Design MA

Different course options

Study mode

Full time


1 year

Start date


Key information

Qualification type

MA - Master of Arts

Subject areas

Human Computer Interface (Hci) Development Marketing Planning / Evaluation Communication Design Customer Service

Course type


Course Summary

The course explores the emergent domains of UX Design, Service Design and Design Thinking. Following trends in industry, the content is design-led, with no instruction in programming/coding. The aim is to create a challenging, supportive environment, where students are asked to work collectively to push the boundaries of their current thinking, explore new possibilities, engage in the current debates surrounding design and through this become advanced specialists in their own practice.

Group work is essential and central to the course in Semesters 1 and 2. Through such work, students will likely engage with external organisations, companies and broader stakeholders across society. In their final semester, students are encouraged to pursue multidisciplinary and cross disciplinary work – solely or in collaboration with fellow students within the wider University or by reaching out to form external partnerships. Staff are research active and experts in their fields.


This module aims to provide students with an understanding of the role business plays within the creative industries. By focusing on developing students'entrepreneurship awareness it seeks to ensure that they are equipped with the skills needed to establish sustainable creative practices.

Tuition fees

UK fees
Course fees for UK students

For this course (per year)


International fees
Course fees for EU and international students

For this course (per year)


Entry requirements

Applicants must hold a degree (with at least 2ii Honours standard) or equivalent or demonstrate their ability to undertake the course through the accreditation of prior learning. The specific requirements for admission are detailed below: Applicants should normally hold a good honours degree in design practice or cognate subject from a University of the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland, from the Council of National Academic Awards, the Higher Education and Training Awards Council or from an institution of another country which is recognised as being of an equivalent standard; Applications are welcomed from diverse backgrounds however where there is a discipline shift the applicant must present a coherent rationale for this shift and evidence prerequisite understanding and skills/experience.