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Environment, Development and Politics MSc

Environment, Development and Politics MSc

Different course options

Full time | University of Birmingham | 1 year | SEP-25

Study mode

Full time


1 year

Start date


Key information

Qualification type

MSc - Master of Science

Subject areas

Environmental Studies Development Politics

Course Summary

Our MSc in Environment, Development and Politics takes a novel approach to training in environment and development by recognising the importance of power and politics at all levels of decision-making. Environmental opportunities and challenges are closely intertwined with international development, and understanding of the causes, nature and consequences of environmental issues is essential for anyone working to promote positive change in the livelihoods of the poor.Power and politics fundamentally influence how the environment is recognised, protected and benefited from. Recognising this, the MSc Environment, Development and Politics takes a novel approach to training in environment and development by highlighting the importance of power and politics at all levels of decision-making, from the local to the global. The programme is therefore delivered in conjunction with the Department of Political Science and International Studies (POLSIS).


By the end of the module you will be able to critically engage with and understand the complexity of sustainable development issues; be familiar with the key concepts and terminology commonly used in sustainable development; understand and be able to critically compare and contrast the main principles and values of the three main ?pillars? of sustainable development: economy, ecology and society; understand the philosophical and political history of the emergence of sustainable development and the purposes and negotiations involved in the creation and processes of key international conventions and events guiding approaches to addressing sustainable development issues.

Tuition fees

UK fees
Course fees for UK students

For this course (per year)


International fees
Course fees for EU and international students

For this course (per year)


Entry requirements

An upper second-class Honours degree or equivalent from an approved university or an equivalent professional qualification in a relevant field (the equivalent US Grade Point Average is 3.2) or A lower second-class Honours degree from an approved university with excellent work experience. Adequate capacity in written and spoken English. Degrees from all disciplines are considered and a candidate's work experience can also be taken into consideration.

University information

The University of Birmingham - part of the prestigious Russell Group of universities in the UK – has been helping to develop the next generation of leaders, push boundaries of innovation and challenge existing thinking for over 100 years. The university has a vibrant and diverse community of students, with over 10,000 international students coming to the city from over 120 countries. Over 40% of students are working on a postgraduate...more