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MSc Tropical Marine Biology

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Study mode

Full time


1 year

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Key information

Qualification type

MSc - Master of Science

Subject areas

Marine Biology

Course type


Course Summary

Coral reefs are the most species-rich marine habitats, and also among the most threatened. Rapid global change has the potential to cause significant harm to these unique ecosystems and impact the local and global resources they provide.

By studying MSc Tropical Marine Biology with in our School of Life Sciences you will enjoy a unique training experience, designed to provide you with the specific tools to study and protect fragile marine systems.

Our multidisciplinary course is delivered entirely by research-active academics who are among the leaders of their respective disciplines. Advanced theory in tropical marine biology is complemented by practical skills training in quantitative methods, data analytics, field survey techniques and a comprehensive range of the practical and professional skills required by today’s employers.

During a field trip to Indonesia you can put theory into practice by studying coral reef conservation in action (subsidised, with a variable element to be paid by the student). Or, we can help you to identify your ideal work placement or equivalent project in the UK.

Our MSc Tropical Marine Biology course will introduce you to the unique resources found in tropical oceans through modules focusing on:

The biotechnological ‘treasure chest’ of marine microbes, algae and invertebrates. What processes underpin a healthy marine ecosystem? How can we use microbes to clean up pollution and make new eco-friendly materials from aquaculture waste?

Quantitative analysis of ecological processes in the tropical oceans, from seagrass beds and mangroves to coral reefs and artificial communities growing on man-made structures. How do you measure and compare populations and communities?

Coral reef resource management and conservation. How can local communities protect coral reefs while practising traditional activities and sustainably harvesting food?

In addition to taught modules covering these topics and more, you will embark on an extensive research project under the supervision of an expert at the forefront of their field. You will have the freedom to choose the subject of your project, which can be conducted in field, within our new aquatic biology research facility, in a working academic research laboratory on campus or alongside one of our research partners across the globe. The project is your chance to develop the specific experience that you will need to go into employment generating ecological survey data, prospecting for pharmaceuticals, practising data analytics, GIS mapping or directing environmental policy.


This module offers the unique opportunity for students to attend an expedition, explore the biodiversity and ecology of coral reefs, and to study and critically examine the process of coral reef conservation management within the remote Wakatobi Marine National Park in Indonesia.

Tuition fees

UK fees
Course fees for UK students

For this course (per year)


International fees
Course fees for EU and international students

For this course (per year)


Entry requirements

A degree with a 2.2 in one of the following subjects: Environmental Sciences, Marine Biology,Marine Chemistry,Marine Ecology and Conservation, Marine Science, Oceanography, Tropical Biology or a 2:2 degree in any subject with three modules from the below list: Aquatic/Marine Ecology, Biodiversity, Conservation, Marine Science, Oceanography. We will also consider applicants with 2 out of the 3 above modules.

University information

The University of Essex prides itself on being at the forefront of research innovation and global change. It is a learning institution that fosters a culture of boldness and curiosity, where creativity in academia is encouraged. At Essex, students are taught by world-leading academics in a supportive and research-intensive environment. Over the duration of its sixty-year history, Essex has met and exceeded expectations for success, winning...more

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