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Full time | University of Liverpool | 2 years | DEC

Study mode

Full time


2 years

Start date


Key information

Qualification type

MPhil - Master of Philosophy

Subject areas


Course type


Course Summary


We've highly active, internationally renowned research groups and, in the most recent Research Assessment Exercise (2008), 80% of our research activity was rated as of international standard.

There are several outstanding research themes within Psychiatry. In General and Adult Psychiatry where Professor Christoph Lauber was appointed in late 2007, “social inclusion and exclusion of people with severe mental illness” best describes the research addressed. The research’s mission statement is “People with severe mental illness: From clinical questions to research evidence and back again”. This includes the following topics: supported employment in people with psychosis and common mental disorders, user and carer involvement in mental health care, stigma of people with mental illness, mental health services research and intervention studies. The aims of the new research group are:

To make a significant contribution to a better understanding and treatment of people with mental illness who have complex needs,

To significantly contribute to mental health services research, and

To be a leading centre in translational research in mental health.

In child and adolescent psychiatry, Professor Gowers is undertaking a Department of Health funded multi-centre trial on cognitive behaviour therapy for adolescent anorexia nervosa. He leads an international collaboration to develop and field test the Health of the Nation outcome scales for children and adolescents.

Tuition fees

UK fees
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International fees
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Entry requirements

A good (2:1 or first class or equivalent) degree in a relevant subject is normally required. Potential students should be aware that for certain projects criminal record checks may be necessary. Projects will always be subject to appropriate ethical approval and in some cases collaborating NHS Trusts may require health checks before permitting access to patients.MD students should be registered medical practitioners.