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PGDip Safety Critical Systems Engineering

PGDip Safety Critical Systems Engineering

Different course options

Full time | University of York | 1 year | SEP-25

Study mode

Full time


1 year

Start date


Key information

Qualification type

Postgraduate Diploma

Subject areas

Computer Systems

Course type


Course Summary

This course will provide you with the educational background required to become a leader in the field of safety critical systems engineering, whether you are currently a practising - or aspiring - professional in this area.

Products and services are taking on more authority over activities that have the capability to pose a risk to human lives. System safety professionals address a web of interlinked contributing factors to assess the safety of these products or services.

This course will provide you with the opportunity to become a practitioner in safety-critical systems engineering, or to enhance your existing practice, and to reflect on the implications of your work both for your current role and for society as a whole. Three strands of work will develop your skills: safety-critical system safety thinking, skills as a safety engineer and professionalism.

The course will ensure you are better equipped to make a contribution to your organisation. You will gain a thorough grounding and practical experience in the use of techniques for the development, operation and assurance of the safety characteristics of systems or services that have safety implications. We will explore the principles behind these techniques to ensure that sound safety engineering judgments can be made. You will investigate the latest research and focus on advanced practice in a number of areas.

The course employs the extensive research and industrial experience of the developers of the work packages you will address. It brings together safety professionals from many different domains (aerospace, military, automotive, railway, nuclear) to ensure your learning is as varied and as comprehensive as possible.


This course is recognised by the British Computer Society (BCS) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) as partial fulfilment of the educational requirement for registration as a Chartered Engineer (CEng).

Careers and Skills

The vast majority of people who undertake this course are already working in industrial fields such as aeronautical engineering, marine engineering, naval and military fields, automotive applications, gas and electric services engineers. Undertaking this course will equip you to progress within these fields.


This course is primarily intended to give system safety engineers an introduction to the issues that must be considered when computers are used in safety-critical or safety-related applications. The course starts with a rapid overview of how computer systems work, from basic hardware components up to application software. The emphasis throughout this introduction is on highlighting areas that are of potential concern to safety engineers. This introduction is followed by a more in-depth examination of the software development process, considering especially aspects of requirements specification, design and analysis that are critical to deployment of computers in safety-critical applications. The course also considers the structuring and collection of evidence for the software safety case.

Tuition fees

UK fees
Course fees for UK students

For this course (per year)


International fees
Course fees for EU and international students

For this course (per year)


Entry requirements

Undergraduate degree: 2:2 or equivalent in a numerate, technical discipline, with some coverage of Computer Science or Software Engineering subjects. In addition we require at least two years of relevant industrial experience.