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Showing 1-5 of 5 results



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International Merit Award

Award Criteria:

Academic excellence

Award info:

If you are a student with talent and potential, you may be eligible for either our Regional or...

Chevening scholarship

Award Criteria:

Academic excellence

Award info:

Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country or territory.  

Commit to...

The Alumni Postgraduate Award

Award Criteria:

Mature students

Award info:

Students who have already been awarded a Middlesex degree and are returning to complete a second...

Significant Achievement in Sport

Award Criteria:


Award info:

Eligibility: Any undergraduate or postgraduate student demonstrating a significant achievement...

European Academic Awards

Award Criteria:

Academic excellence

Award info:

We offer a European Academic Award of £1000 - £7000 to individuals who have...

Showing 1-5 of 5 results