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PhD Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research

PhD Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research

Different course options

Full time | Sheffield Hallam University | 4 years | FEB-25

Study mode

Full time


4 years

Start date


Key information

Qualification type

PhD/DPhil - Doctor of Philosophy

Subject areas

Social Research

Course type


Course Summary

Course summary

  • Benefit from and contribute to a thriving, collegiate research environment.
  • Join a research centre ranked in the top quartile of UK institutions and the highest ranked post-1992 University.

PhD candidates are integral members of the CRESR team, located alongside staff. The Centre holds an enduring commitment to academic rigour through applied policy research, and has been recognised through the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF): 81% of research was rated as world-leading or internationally excellent.

PhD proposals are welcome across CRESR's areas of expertise, including: housing, urban infrastructure, spatial disadvantage, labour markets, environmental sustainability and energy, and the Third Sector.

How you learn

You will be part of the University's community of researchers, with the opportunity to attend and/or contribute to a range of discipline, college and University-wide presentations, training and conferences.

We recognise that doctoral researchers arrive with a diversity of skills and experience. Therefore, we provide flexible training and development opportunities covering a range of research-related skills. Indicative areas include transferable skills, research ethics and integrity (mandatory), data management, teaching skills and career planning. Your development needs are identified and agreed with your supervisory team at the start of your degree, and reviewed and updated as appropriate.

Within CRESR you will take part in the monthly PhD forum to provide an opportunity to present and discuss your own work and to benefit from the experience and advice of external speakers on a range of topics including, for example, doing 'difficult' interviews, preparing for the Viva and finding an academic job.

Future careers

This course prepares you for a career in

  • Academia
  • Policy
  • Practice

PhD researchers are provided opportunities to engage with teaching and CRESR research projects, and benefit from the Centre's wide range of partners in policy and practice.

Employability guidance and training is also provided in CRESR, the SHU Doctoral School and CRESR's partners in the White Rose DTP and University Alliance DTA.

Tuition fees

UK fees
Course fees for UK students

For this course (per year)


International fees
Course fees for EU and international students

For this course (per year)


Entry requirements

All applicants should hold a strong undergraduate degree (2.1 or above) and/or a relevant masters qualification (or expectation of the same). All applicants must submit a completed postgraduate application form including a 1500 word research proposal.

University information

When studying a postgraduate degree at Sheffield Hallam University, students work at the cutting-edge of their field using the latest techniques, ideas, practices and insights to address contemporary issues in their discipline, professional practice and the workplace. Founded over 175 years ago, Sheffield Hallam University has the following colleges: Business, Technology and Engineering Health Wellbeing and Life Sciences Social...more

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