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PhD Sport and Exercise Science

Different course options

Full time | Colchester Campus | 4 years | APR-25

Study mode

Full time


4 years

Start date


Key information

Qualification type

PhD/DPhil - Doctor of Philosophy

Subject areas

Sports / Movement Science

Course type


Course Summary

Within our multidisciplinary School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences, we offer research supervision in all areas of staff expertise in sports and exercise sciences and related areas.

As a research student at Essex, you’ll work at the heart of our internationally acknowledged and well-connected research community. Our School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences offers an environment with an excellent reputation for research and teaching.

Our facilities include a wide range of ergometers and treadmills, stand alone and portable gas analysers, force plates, isokinetic dynamometers, a Vicon motion capture system, electronic timing gates, full blood gas analysers, (including pulse and co-oximeters), and a variety of EMG systems. It is also possible to study non-invasive measurements of brain function within our school and via collaborations with the cognitive neuroscience laboratory in our Department of Psychology. Methods include EEG, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS).


The aim of undertaking your PhD is to train as an independent researcher who can critically assess other research work and have a comprehensive knowledge of at least one area.

Our PhD programme is usually three to four years duration, and all our students are initially registered as MPhil/PhD students, then transferred to the PhD in the first half of their second year of study if they have made satisfactory progress. In your second and third years, you work towards your PhD.

Your future

Our graduates go on to a range of careers both in research and development, and in sales. Other careers include work in industry or teaching in schools and colleges.


This module is for PhD students who are completing the research portions of their theses.

Tuition fees

UK fees
Course fees for UK students

For this course (per year)


International fees
Course fees for EU and international students

For this course (per year)


Entry requirements

You will need a good honours degree or masters degree, or equivalent, in a related subject. A well-developed research proposal is also essential.

University information

The University of Essex prides itself on being at the forefront of research innovation and global change. It is a learning institution that fosters a culture of boldness and curiosity, where creativity in academia is encouraged. At Essex, students are taught by world-leading academics in a supportive and research-intensive environment. Over the duration of its sixty-year history, Essex has met and exceeded expectations for success, winning...more